Adding Parts of the Directory Search Form to My Own Website

Adding Parts of the Directory Search Form to My Own Website

The most common means of integrating your eSpeakers Whitelabeled directory in your website is via a  simple link . However, there may be places where you want to send your customers over to your directory with some search results already chosen.  

These instructions are technical and intended for webmasters.

Use the following code to create a marketplace search box. 

Your web designer will still need to do work to style this and to fit in within your site. 

  1. <form action=" ">
  2.    <input type="hidden" name="resume_search" value="0" />
  3.    <input type="text" name="searchtags[]" />
  4.    <button type="submit">Search!</button>
  5. </form>

xxxx should be replaced by your unique code. 

See below for an example of using this as a complete URI rather than a form. You can use javascript on your page to create any type of forms or links you wish. 

Use the following URL to link to search results for a specific topic id:

This is the URI encoded version of{ "topic_id":"123"}

xxxx should be replaced by your unique code, and  123 should be replace by the id number of the topic you're searching for. Everything after  /setup/ is URI-encoded JSON. 

See the section below on SITELISTS for instructions on seeing a list of available topics and their id numbers. 

Use the following URL to link to search results for a free-form keyword:

This is the URI encoded version of []=KEYWORD

xxxx should be replaced by your unique code, and  KEYWORD should be replaced with the word or phrase you want to search for. Everything after the  ? should be replaced by the URI-encoded version of  searchtags[]=KEYWORD

Use the following URL to link to search results for common industry awards

This is the URI encoded version of{ "awards":"csp"}

Everything after  /setup/ is URI-encoded JSON.  xxxx should be replaced by your unique code and  csp can be replaced with one of these values: 

  • capshof CAPS Canada - Hall of Fame 
  • cpae NSA - CPAE Speaker Hall of FameĀ® 
  • csp CSP Certified Speaking Professionalā„¢ 
  • fpsa PSA United Kingdom - Fellow 
  • icfacc ICF - ACC Associate Certified Coach 
  • icdpcc ICF - PCC Professional Certified Coach 
  • icfmcc ICF - MCC Master Certified Coach 
  • nsaa PSA Australia - Hall of Fame 
  • dtm Toastmasters - DTM Distinguished Toastmaster 
  • cspgsf GSF - Global Speaking Fellow 
  • mpiok MPI - chapter speaker 
  • cspnsaa PSA Australia - CSP Certified Speaking Professional 
  • sa_hof PSA Southern Africa - Hall of Fame 
  • sa_founder PSA Southern Africa - Founders Award 
  • cic_cmp CMP - Certified Meeting Professional 
  • uk_hof PSA United Kingdom - Hall of Fame 
  • tedx TEDx Speaker

Getting values to build a select for topic, speakers, or industry experience

If you want to show a dropdown list of available topics, speakers, or industry experience as a part (or all) of a form, you can get the data in JSON form at this url:

This returns a json object which is easy to consume with javascript to build  select elements. The data looks like: 

  1. {  
  2.  "industries":{  
  3.     "1":{  
  4.        "name":"Advertising",
  5.        "n_speakers":3,
  6.        "tag":"industry_1"
  7.     },
  8.     "2":{  
  9.        "name":"Agriculture",
  10.        "n_speakers":3,
  11.        "tag":"industry_2"
  12.     }
  13.  },
  14.  "topics":{  
  15.     "273":{  
  16.        "name":"Accountability",
  17.        "n_speakers":6,
  18.        "tag":"topic_273"
  19.     },
  20.     "255":{  
  21.        "name":"Adventurers",
  22.        "n_speakers":13,
  23.        "tag":"topic_255"
  24.     },
  25.  "speakers":{  
  26.     "3438":{  
  27.        "name":"Craig Karges",
  28.        "tag":"speaker_3438"
  29.     },
  30.     "3507":{  
  31.        "name":"Steve Uzzell",
  32.        "tag":"speaker_3507"
  33.     }
  34. }

xxxx should be replaced by your unique code.

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