Calendar and run your business with EventCX

Calendar and run your business with EventCX

Ready to get started running your speaking/training/coaching business the way the pros do? 

EventCX is a specialized app that runs on your desktop, laptop, or mobile device. It is designed to be the hub of your speaking business; the first thing you bring up when you power on your computer in the morning. 

No double entry is required when you integrate with: 

  1. your CRM to exchange contact information 
  2. your accounting software to generate invoices 
  3. your daily calendar (including on your phone) to show your booking calendar with your personal daily items

EventCX How-to

  1. To use EventCX, sign in at and choose EVENT CALENDAR from the menu. You will need an eSpeakers account of any level. (Optional downloadable versions for desktop and mobile here.)
  2. Add an event to your calendar
  3. Retrieve existing events
  4. Keep up with the people
  5. Event Travel
  6. Track the money
  7. Never forget anything
  8. Link EventCX to other apps in your business (CRM, calendar, accounting) 
  9. Generate and store event-related documents
  10. Track custom data in EventCX
  11. Bonus (stories told, dress, CSP, etc) 
  12. Business Intelligence with eSpeakers reports
  13. Working with lead events in EventCX
  14. Advanced: Working with multiple speakers in EventCX
  15. Advanced: Working with parent-child events
  16. Advanced: Install a desktop app
  17. Advanced: Generate the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) application
  18. Advanced: View your daily personal items on your EventCX calendar
  19. Advanced: Use Calendly with your EventCX speaking calendar

EventCX Logo
What NOT to use EventCX for

EventCX was designed by professional speakers to manage your speaking business. It is not intended to do everything. 

Here are some common things we see users trying to do with EventCX that would be more effective with a different tool: 

  1. DON'T use EventCX as your CRM (customer relationship manager).
    It's very valuable to tie contacts to events the way EventCX does, but it is not a full-featured contact manager. EventCX integrates with several popular CRM apps to eliminate double-entry. 
  2. DON'T use EventCX as your accounting software.
    EventCX tracks the services and products you sell to clients, but does not have the features you need to do the accounting for your business. EventCX integrates with popular accounting software to eliminate double-entry. 
  3. DON'T use EventCX as your only calendar.
    Enter into EventCX anything that affects your booking: holds, confirmed events and personal days that should block the calendar. Don't enter personal daily appointments that would not block your booking calendar and prevent you from taking a job that day. EventCX integrates in both directions with your daily calendar, so that you can see your booking calendar and your daily calendar in the same views without double-entry.

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