Customizing your Master Action List

Customizing your Master Action List

The Action List is frequently named by EventCX users as one of their favorite features. Used effectively, it becomes the heartbeat of your operation, helping you make sure that every single thing required for a successful event is done on time.

For example:
  1. "Send agreement to client" 1 day after the hold is placed, assigned to Bill.
  2. "Book airfare" 4 weeks in advance of the event date, for confirmed events only, assigned to Mary.
  3. "Signed agreement received" 2 weeks before the event date, for confirmed events, assigned to Mary.
  4. send template "thank-you letter" 1 week after the event date, for confirmed events, sent automatically.

Customize Your Master Action Lists

Your EventCX account comes with a default Action List, but the full potential of Action Lists is unlocked when you customize your list(s) to match they way your office does business.
You can create several Action Lists to accommodate different types of engagements. For instance, your list of to-dos for a webinar is probably quite different than your list for a keynote.

To Create a New Master Action List for a Specific Type of Engagement:

  1. Use the USER MENU (your login in the upper-right) and choose SETTINGS.
  2. Click the ACTION LIST tab.
  3. Click the + NEW MASTER LIST link to create a new list.
  4. A new window pops up showing the three ways you can create a new list:
      Use this to create a new list starting with a clean slate.
      Copy one of the expert templates provided by eSpeakers.
      Start with a copy of an existing list. If you manage more than one presenter in EventCX, you copy lists between the speakers you have access to.

Set Up The Automated Workflow for Your Action List

Once you have created a list, it's time to teach it your workflow. Since you are setting up your Master Action Lists, you only have to set it up once and you can apply it to any future event.

The list's workflow is divided by triggers. When this list is applied to an event, items in each trigger section will automatically apply when the event enters different stages:
    Items in this section will be applied to the event when it is created (no matter what the event's status is (held, confirmed, etc)). 
    Items in this section are applied to the event when its status is set to "lead".
    Items in this section will be applied to the event when the event's status is set to "hold".
    Items in this section are applied to the event when its status is set to "confirmed".
    Items in this section are applied to the event when its status is set to "canceled".
To add a new action item into a triggering section, click the + ADD ACTION link in that section, then fill out the form:
    Enter a short description of what needs to be done. For example, "buy plane tickets", "send thank-you letter", or "schedule pre-event call"
    This field should be set automatically based on what triggering section you clicked in, but you can change this field to move the item into a different triggering section.
    This field lets you adjust the timing of this item, based on the trigger. For instance, if this item applies "when the event is created" and you wanted to do something the next day, enter 1 in the DAYS box and select "AFTER THE EVENT IS CREATED". Note that you cannot enter a 0 for days related to creation.
    1. Select "REMIND ME" to receive an email reminder that for this item
      1. Select you or a staff member from the list of WHO IS USUALLY RESPONSIBLE to select who should be reminded via email for this task
    2. Select "EMAIL AN EVENT CONTACT" to send an email to an event contact.
      1. Select the email template that should be sent from a list of templates you have already created. If you need to create a new one, do that first and then come back and create the action item that uses it.
    Normally, changes to the Master Action List have no effect on Action Lists already applied to events; the Master list only applies moving forward. This is an exception: if you check this box then any existing events that use the Action List you are editing will have this new item added to them immediately.

To Change an Existing Master Action List:

  1. Find the Action List you want to change in the list of names along the left side of the screen and click it.
  2. With the list selected:
    1. Click the pencil icon next to the list name to change the list name.
    2. Click the X button next to the list name to completely remove the Action List.
    3. On any of the individual actions listed below the list name, click the pencil icon to change it or the X icon to remove that item.
    4. In any of the action sections ("when created", "when held", etc.), click the ADD ACTION link to create a new action item in that trigger section.
Changes to Master Action Lists only affect new applications of the list to an event. No past events that use the updated list will be changed in any way unless the list is re-applied to the event (as when the event status or date changes). There are some exceptions to this that will be clearly explained on screen if they apply.

Customize Your Email Templates

Each Action Item can either send a reminder to you and your staff, or it can send a templated email message to you event contact for you. Before creating an Action Item that sends email, you should first create an email template for the message you want to send. 

When you create an Action Item that sends email to an event contact, you will choose from a list of email templates you have already created, so create your templates before you create the Action Items that send them.

Learn how to create Email Templates to use in Action lists →      

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