Customizing the Appearance of My eSpeakers Directory

Customizing the Appearance of My eSpeakers Directory

Many parts of the appearance of your Marketplace Whitelabel site are very customizable. You can change some colors, and even whether some on-screen elements are visible or hidden. You can also change most of the words that are part of the user interface (UI).

Your directory shows your brand by prominently displaying your logo in the upper-left corner. To set or change your logo: 

  1. Sign in to eSpeakers as an administrative user. 
  2. In the MY DIRECTORY section, choose MANAGE MY DIRECTORY. 
  3. From the Manage menu along the left, choose SETTINGS, then  DIRECTORY SETTINGS
  4. On the Directory Settings screen, choose the SITE LOGO tab. 
  5. Drag the new logo image from your hard drive into the green target area and click UPDATE to complete.
Tips for a good logo image
  • The image file you choose will be scaled down to 40 pixels tall. 
  • Choose a version of your logo that is wider than it is tall. 
  • An image with a transparent background will usually provide the best look.

Changing your menu colors

To make your directory colors match your logo and your website, you can choose the foreground and background colors of your menu bar, button colors, and a few other elements of the site. 

  1. Sign in to eSpeakers  as an administrative user. 
  2. In the MY DIRECTORY section, choose MANAGE MY DIRECTORY. 
  3. From the Manage menu along the left, choose SETTINGS, then  LOOK & FEEL
  4. There are several color entry boxes where you can type the hexadecimal RGB number for the color. This is a notation familiar to webmasters. If you aren't familiar with this scheme, use a site like  this one  to help you find the hex code for the colors you want. The values you type into the color boxes on this screen should be formatted like this:  #80BBC3 . You can also enter  transparent in some places. 
  5. You can see the changes take effect in the sample search result displayed. 
  6. Click the UPDATE button to make your changes permanent.

You can have your directory pages report to your Google Analytics property so that you can track pageviews and events. You can also update the page title and meta description on profile pages. 

To add your Google Analytics tracking id: 

  1. In the MY DIRECTORY section, choose MANAGE MY DIRECTORY. 
  3. Select the MAIN SETTINGS tab 
  4. Add (or change) the value in the GOOGLE ANALYTICS field. The value you enter should look like  UA-12345678-09
  5. Click the UPDATE button at the page bottom

To update the profile page title and meta description: 

  1. In the MY DIRECTORY section, choose MANAGE MY DIRECTORY. 
  3. Select the MAIN SETTINGS tab 
  4. Add or change the text in the PROFILE PAGE TITLE field. This text can include special tags that will dynamically insert information specific to the speaker. These include  [speakername] [publisher] [topic]
  5. Add or change the text in the PROFILE META DESCRIPTION field. This text can include special tags that will dynamically insert information specific to the speaker. These include  [speakername] [publisher] [oneline] [topic]

Changing words and phrases using dictionary overrides

Dictionary overrides allow a site manager to change most of the words and phrases that are part of the User Interface (UI). 

  1. Sign in to eSpeakers as an administrative user. 
  2. From the management menu along the left, choose SETTINGS, then PHRASES & LANGUAGES. 
  3. On the Phrases & Languages screen, use the CHOOSE LANGUAGE dropdown to choose the language for which you wish to change phrases. 
  4. Find the row containing the words you wish to change.
    There are lots of phrases in the platform. Start typing into the FILTER PHRASES box to quickly find the phrase you want to change. 
  5. Click anywhere on the phrase you want to change to bring up the translation dialog. Enter your new words in the TRANSLATION field and click UPDATE to continue. 
    The new text should be as close to the length of the original as possible; a much longer or much shorter replacement may alter the screen layout causing unwanted wrapping or shift the placement of other elements. 
  1. Review your handiwork by clearing your browser's cache and navigating to the pages where you made changes.


  • Can I use HTML tags in the replacement text?
    ANSWER: It depends. Most dictionary phrases do not allow HTML tags (the characters of the tag will be displayed on the screen as text), but there are a few that do. If the original value contains any formatting (like bold), then the replacement value can probably handle HTML tags. 


  • On the Search page, change the phrase "SPEAKERS FOUND" to "NUMBER OF MATCHES" 
    • find the key "speakers_found", and in the Custom column enter "Number of Matches", then click the SAVE button at page bottom 

next: alter your main configuration settings

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