Directory Management For Webmasters

Directory Management For Webmasters

If you are involved in the technology of your organization's website, then this section is for you. You'll learn how to easily add an eSpeakers directory to your existing website, how to control how it looks, and how to use elements of your directory service to add value to other parts of your site.

Technical Information About Your Marketplace Directory

  1. Customizing the appearance of my eSpeakers directory
  2. Linking to my eSpeakers directory
  3. Directory plugins to use in other pages on my site
  4. Adding parts of the directory search form to my own website
  5. Use Google Analytics with my eSpeakers directory
  6. Change the page title and meta description on profile pages
  7. Use the directory sitemap for search engine indexing
Looking for instructions on adding/removing speakers, changing the behavior of your directory, and other administration tasks? Check out the administrator instructions.

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