Directory Plugins to Use in Other Pages on My Site

Directory Plugins to Use in Other Pages on My Site

Adding elements of your speaker directory to other parts of your website is a great way to add value there and to drive more traffic to your directory.  

These plugins work with any platform, including Wordpress, Drupal, etc. 

Topical Speakers plugin

Directory administrators who want to show a list of speakers related to a specific topic can use this plugin on their web pages.  

The code to embed is: 

  1. <script src=" "></script>
  2. <script>
  3. EmbeddableWidget.mount({
  4.   parentElement: '#plugin-mount',
  5.   numberSpeakers: 3,
  6.   topicId: 1317,
  7.   bureauId: 1645,
  8.   waitingMessage: 'Explore our experts in the full directory',
  9.   waitingUrl: '' ,
  10.   loadedMessage: 'Click a name to learn more about these experts!'
  11. });
  12. </script>

Additionally, you need an element on the page where the plugin will display the results: 

  1. <div id="plugin-mount" ></div>

You can set the  width on your element as desired to fit into your layout. You can also change the  id , but make sure to update the  parentElement parameter in the script tag to match. 

A description of the parameters in the script tag: 

  • parentElement a CSS selector for an element on the page where the plugin should display its results, 
  • numberSpeakers the number of speakers to display on the row of results 
  • topicId the numeric topic ID number for the topic you want to display. Get this from eSpeakers. 
  • bureauId your publisher ID number, provided by eSpeakers 
  • waitingMessage A message to display while the results are loading. 
  • waitingUrl A link to go to if the waiting message is clicked. 
  • loadedMessage A message to show below the row of resultant speakers
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