Event Status Explained

Event Status Explained


Your eSpeakers booking calendar is the center of your business, and your calendar is your inventory. Correctly setting the status for your events will make it easy to track your engagements through their life cycle.

Event Status

  1. Use when the client says, "We are considering you; will you hold the day for us?", add an event with the HELD status to your calendar. This indicates a client is considering you. It is common, if another client later requests you for the same day, to contact the first hold on that day and give them a chance to confirm you or release you before accepting the new client.
  1. You've heard about an event that you'd like to pursue. Put it on the calendar and use a related ActionList to remind you to follow up.
  1. The client has booked you and the event is happening. You like these!
  1. A client showed interest, but then ended up moving the event to a later date. Similar to a LEAD.
  1. Events that start out as HELD or LEAD will end up either becoming CONFIRMED (yay!) or CANCELED (also called "released"). Unless the event was entered by mistake, you should always cancel an event rather than deleting it from the calendar, so that you have a record of it.
  1. Events that were confirmed, but have now been 100% completed can be marked as CLOSED to let you know there's nothing left to do.

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