Hello, my name is [me], and I'm calling from the office of [speakername], who's a professional speaker and expert on [topics].
[speakername] is going to be in [venue], speaking about [eventpurpose] on [eventdate].
I'm contacting you today to:
Are you interested?
Tell them you'll have the speaker contact them within 48 hours to finalize. Collect their email address to send to the speaker along with the rest of their information from the record.
May we send you an email with a link to [speakername]'s profile as a reference for future planning?
Collect their email address and let them know you'll send it to them today.
Thank you for your time; have a great day!
Hello, my name is [me], and I'm calling from the office of [speakername], who's a professional speaker and expert on [topics].
I'm contacting you today because you're following [speakername] on the eSpeakers SpeakerTRACK system, which notifies you when they're in town.
[speakername] is going to be in [venue], speaking about [eventpurpose] on [eventdate].
I'd like to:
Are you interested?
Tell them you'll have the speaker contact them within 48 hours to finalize. Collect their email address to send to the speaker along with the rest of their information from the record.
May we send you an email with a link to [speakername]'s profile as a reference for future planning?
Collect their email address and let them know you'll send it to them today.
Thank you for your time; have a great day!
Hello, my name is [me], and I'm calling from the office of [speakername], who's a professional speaker and expert on [topics].
[speakername] is going to be in [venue], speaking about [eventpurpose] on [eventdate].
I'm contacting you today to Find out if you're interested in meeting with [speakername] for:
Are you interested?
Tell them you'll have the speaker contact them within 48 hours to finalize. Collect their email address to send to the speaker along with the rest of their information from the record.
May we send you an email with a link to [speakername]'s profile as a reference for future planning?
Collect their email address and let them know you'll send it to them today.
Thank you for your time; have a great day!
Hello, my name is [me], and I'm calling from the office of [speakername], who's a professional speaker and expert on [topics].
[speakername] is going to be in [venue], speaking about [eventpurpose] on [eventdate].
I'm contacting you today to:
Are you interested?
Tell them you'll have the speaker contact them within 48 hours to finalize. Collect their email address to send to the speaker along with the rest of their information from the record.
May we send you an email with a link to [speakername]'s profile as a reference for future planning?
Collect their email address and let them know you'll send it to them today.
Thank you for your time; have a great day!
Hello, my name is [me], and I'm calling from the office of [speakername], who's a professional speaker and expert on [topics].
[speakername] is going to be in [venue], speaking about [eventpurpose] on [eventdate].
I'm contacting you today to:
Are you interested?
Tell them you'll have the speaker contact them within 48 hours to finalize. Collect their email address to send to the speaker along with the rest of their information from the record.
May we send you an email with a link to [speakername]'s profile as a reference for future planning?
Collect their email address and let them know you'll send it to them today.
Thank you for your time; have a great day!
Hello, my name is [me], and I'm calling from the office of [speakername], who's a professional speaker and expert on [topics].
[speakername] is going to be in [venue], speaking about [eventpurpose] on [eventdate].
I'm contacting you today to:
Are you interested?
Tell them you'll have the speaker contact them within 48 hours to finalize. Collect their email address to send to the speaker along with the rest of their information from the record.
May we send you an email with a link to [speakername]'s profile as a reference for future planning?
Collect their email address and let them know you'll send it to them today.
Thank you for your time; have a great day!
Hello, my name is [me], and I'm calling from the office of [speakername], who's a professional speaker and expert on [topics].
[speakername] is going to be in [venue], speaking about [eventpurpose] on [eventdate].
I'm contacting you today to:
Are you interested?
Tell them you'll have the speaker contact them within 48 hours to finalize. Collect their email address to send to the speaker along with the rest of their information from the record.
May we send you an email with a link to [speakername]'s profile as a reference for future planning?
Collect their email address and let them know you'll send it to them today.
Thank you for your time; have a great day!
Hello, my name is [me], and I'm calling from the office of [speakername], who's a professional speaker and expert on [topics].
[speakername] is going to be in [venue], speaking about [eventpurpose] on [eventdate].
[He/She] normally charges for their presentations, but because they'll be in town, they are willing to come make a presentation at your normal club meeting at no charge.
Are you interested?
Tell them you'll have the speaker contact them within 48 hours to finalize. Collect their email address to send to the speaker along with the rest of their information from the record.
May we send you an email with a link to [speakername]'s profile as a reference for future planning?
Collect their email address and let them know you'll send it to them today. Send the speaker a TICKET with the appropriate pre-defined reply.
Thank you for your time; have a great day!