How to Create Template Documents

How to Create Template Documents

There are many documents to generate for events during the different phases of their lifetime. Examples include:
  1. "Thank-you for holding the date" letter
  2. "Confirm release of the date" letter
  3. "Confirm the date" letter
  4. Contract
  5. Pre-event Questionnaire
  6. Invoice
  7. ...many more
EventCX can quickly generate these for any event on your calendar by merging an event's details into a template document. This works just like the merge technique in word processors. The template document is easy to prepare using Word or Excel on your computer.

library placeholder example

How Do I Create a Template Document to Use for Merging With My Events?

To create an new template document:
  1. In Word or Excel, load an existing document (for instance, the last contract you sent to a client) or create a new blank document.
    It's easiest to start with an existing document and replace the event-specific parts, but you can also start with a blank document.
  2. Edit or enter all of the text for the document, using special PLACEHOLDER CODES (see next section) where event-specific information goes (eg, the client name, event date, fees, etc).
  3. When the document is complete, SAVE the document on your computer, making note of where it is stored.
    Be sure the saved file ends with .docx or .xlsx -- these are the only types of files that will work. This applies to both Mac and Windows.
  4. Sign in to eSpeakers and pull up any event. If you manage multiple speakers, pull up an event for the speaker to whom the new template document applies.
  5. Choose the LIBRARY tab.
  6. Click the ADD TEMPLATE button.

    library template add

  7. In the box that pops up, type a descriptive name for the new template ("keynote contract", "standard invoice", "thank-you for the hold", etc.)

    library template add modal

  8. Click the CHOOSE FILE button and select from your computer the template file you saved from Word or Excel earlier. The file must end with .docx or .xlsx to be compatible.
  9. Click the UPLOAD button to complete the process.
All done! Your new template is now ready to merge for any event.

Note that if your eSpeakers username is attached to multiple speakers, the template file applies only to the speaker whose event is currently on the screen. To use the template for other speakers you'll need to add it to their accounts using the same process, but starting with an event belonging to them.

What Placeholder Codes Are Available to Use in My Templates?

Placeholder codes are magic little pieces of text that you type into a template document to be replaced at merge time with data from the event you've selected. Your eSpeakers calendar holds a lot of details about your events and there are placeholder codes for most of them.

To see the list of available placeholder codes:
  1. Sign in to your eSpeakers calendar and pull up any event.
  2. Choose the LIBRARY tab.
  3. Click the VIEW PLACEHOLDER CODES link.

    library merge placeholders

  4. You'll see a scrolling list of all the available placeholder codes, along with a description.

    library list placeholders

  5. To use a placeholder code in your template document, you can copy and paste from the list on your screen, or you can hand type it. In either case, be sure to include the double square-brackets before and after.
    correct: [[organization]]
    incorrect: organization
    incorrect: [[organization
    incorrect: [organization]

How Do I Use the Special Placeholder Codes With _xxxx_ In Them?

There are a few special placeholder codes that include XXXX in the middle of the code. These special codes are used in cases where there's more than one choice for the value to merge. For instance, the code [[service_xxxx_fee]] is used when you want to merge in one of your service fees. But which one? Events usually have several items in the services area: the main speaking fee, the travel expenses, the deposit amount, etc.

SERVICE items and CONTACTS both have a GROUP CODE on each item. This group code is a 4-character code internal to your office that identifies the item. For instance, a common group code used for the "primary contact" is PRIM. This lets you easily identify the primary contact out of the many contacts you may have on the event. A common group code for the "keynote fee" service item is KEYN.

When you use a placeholder like [[service_xxxx_fee]], replace the xxxx portion with the group code of the item you want the merge process to use.

example: If you are preparing an invoice template and want to insert the keynote fee, use the placeholder [[service_KEYN_fee]].

example: If you want to use the primary contact's name, and your office codes that with the PRIM group code, use the placeholder [[contact_PRIM_name]].

Contacts have an additional special set of placeholder codes that will select a contact based on the checkboxes available on the contact detail.

A contact with the PRIMARY CONTACT FOR THIS EVENT checkbox turned ON will be used for these placeholder codes:
  1. [[contact_#PRM_address]]
  2. [[contact_#PRM_fax]]
  3. [[contact_#PRM_firstname]]
  4. [[contact_#PRM_mobile]]
  5. [[contact_#PRM_name]]
  6. [[contact_#PRM_email]]
  7. [[contact_#PRM_notes]]
  8. [[contact_#PRM_phone]]
  1. A contact with the CONTACT ABOUT HOLD STATUS checkbox turned ON will be used for placeholder codes starting with [[contact_#HLD_
  2. A contact with the USE ON CSP APPLICATION checkbox turned ON will be used for placeholder codes starting with [[contact_#CSP_
  3. A contact with the CAN ACCESS VIA ONLINE ASSISTANT checkbox turned ON will be used for placeholder codes starting with [[contact_#OLA_
Ready to use your new template file on an event? Follow this guide.

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