Placeholder codes are magic little pieces of text that you type into a template document to be replaced at merge time with data from the event you've selected. Your eSpeakers calendar holds a lot of details about your events and there are placeholder codes for most of them.
There are a few special placeholder codes that include XXXX in the middle of the code. These special codes are used in cases where there's more than one choice for the value to merge. For instance, the code [[service_xxxx_fee]] is used when you want to merge in one of your service fees. But which one? Events usually have several items in the services area: the main speaking fee, the travel expenses, the deposit amount, etc.
SERVICE items and CONTACTS both have a GROUP CODE on each item. This group code is a 4-character code internal to your office that identifies the item. For instance, a common group code used for the "primary contact" is PRIM. This lets you easily identify the primary contact out of the many contacts you may have on the event. A common group code for the "keynote fee" service item is KEYN.
When you use a placeholder like [[service_xxxx_fee]], replace the xxxx portion with the group code of the item you want the merge process to use.
example: If you are preparing an invoice template and want to insert the keynote fee, use the placeholder [[service_KEYN_fee]].
example: If you want to use the primary contact's name, and your office codes that with the PRIM group code, use the placeholder [[contact_PRIM_name]].
Contacts have an additional special set of placeholder codes that will select a contact based on the checkboxes available on the contact detail.
A contact with the PRIMARY CONTACT FOR THIS EVENT checkbox turned ON will be used for these placeholder codes:
- [[contact_#PRM_address]]
- [[contact_#PRM_fax]]
- [[contact_#PRM_firstname]]
- [[contact_#PRM_mobile]]
- [[contact_#PRM_name]]
- [[contact_#PRM_email]]
- [[contact_#PRM_notes]]
- [[contact_#PRM_phone]]
- A contact with the CONTACT ABOUT HOLD STATUS checkbox turned ON will be used for placeholder codes starting with [[contact_#HLD_
- A contact with the USE ON CSP APPLICATION checkbox turned ON will be used for placeholder codes starting with [[contact_#CSP_
- A contact with the CAN ACCESS VIA ONLINE ASSISTANT checkbox turned ON will be used for placeholder codes starting with [[contact_#OLA_