How to Use My Own Topics on My Marketplace Directory

How to Use My Own Topics on My Marketplace Directory

Your speaker directory comes by default with eSpeakers' standard list of speaking topics ("Leadership", "Healthcare", etc.) and industry expertise ("Banking", "Real Estate", etc.). If your directory caters to a more specific audience, you may want to replace the standard list of topics or industry expertise with your own.  

There is a significant consideration involved:  When your directory uses custom topics or industry expertise, every speaker you list on your directory will need to update their topics specific to your directory. Until a speaker does this, they will not come up in any topic-specific searches on your directory, because they aren't linked with any of your new topics. You will need to notify affected presenters and make them aware of they change they need to make on their eSpeakers profile. Note that speakers displayed on other directories are not affected on those other directories; you're not causing them to need to take action for any directory beside your own.  

Another important factor to consider is that when you use custom topics or industries, you are  completely replacing the standard list with your own. The entries you make are not added to the default list; the default list is completely ignored for your directory and replaced by the list you enter. 

How do I maintain a list of topics or expertise specific to my directory?


  1. Sign in to your directory as an administrative user. 
  2. In the user menu upper-right, choose MANAGE. 
  3. From the menu on the left choose SETTINGS, then CUSTOM TOPICS. 
  4. In the TOPICS or INDUSTRIES list, type a new word or short phrase (2-3 words max) into the appropriate box by the ADD button, then click the ADD button. 
  5. You can remove any erroneous entries by using the DELETE icon (garbage can) next to each entry. Be careful using this button; any speakers who have already tagged themselves with that topic will no longer be linked to it. Even if you later add another topic with the same exact text as the one you deleted, the speakers will need to re-add that topic on their profile. 
  6. You can make changes to any entry by correcting it in the list, then clicking the SAVE button (computer disc) next to it

Once the system sees at least one custom topic or industry, it will stop using the standard list and begin using your custom list. We recommend creating your list during a time of the day when traffic to your directory is low. 

Note: After adding new topics, you will need to advise each speaker listed on your directory that they need to update their eSpeakers profile to select topics specifically for your directory. They'll be shown the list you've created, from which to select up to 6 choices. 

How do I go back to using the standard list of topics or industry expertise?


  1. Sign in to your directory as an administrative user. 
  2. In the user menu upper-right, choose MANAGE. 
  3. From the menu on the left choose SETTINGS, then CUSTOM TOPICS. 
  4. Complete clear out your list of topics or industries by using the DELETE icon next to each one. 
  5. Once your list of topics or industry expertise is completely empty, the system will automatically begin to use the standard list. You can confirm this by looking for the text "CURRENTLY USING ESPEAKERS LIST".

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