


Insightly is a great choice of customer relationship manager (CRM) app for many speakers. It's on the simpler and less expensive end of the spectrum compared to Salesforce or Keap, yet offers all of the features that many speakers require.
If you keep your contacts in Insightly, you can easily link them to your eSpeakers events. This feature is included with your PRO account ( upgrade ).

Configuring the Insightly Connector

In EventCX , use the USER menu (upper right corner) to select SETTINGS.
On the SETTINGS screen choose the CONNECT tab, then choose INSIGHTLY from the left-side tabs.


Enter your INSIGHTLY API KEY, which is provided by Insightly (see below)
  1. Sign in to your Insightly account.
  2. On the User menu (upper right corner) choose USER SETTINGS.

    user settings

  3. On the USER SETTINGS screen, choose the USER SETTINGS tab along the left.

    user settings 2

  4. Your API Key is displayed near the bottom of this page. Use your mouse to highlight it, then right-click and choose COPY.

    API Key

  5. Back in EventCX, PASTE your INSIGHTLY API KEY into the box and click the SAVE button to store your settings.
That's it! Just click BACK TO EVENTS in EventCX and use the instructions below to link an Insightly contact into the event.

Linking Insightly Contacts to eSpeakers Events

  1. In EventCX, choose an event then use the CONTACTS tab.
  2. From the dropdown list next to the GRAB button, choose INSIGHTLY. Then click the GRAB button.

    insightly grab

  3. Enter part or all of the name of the contact you want to be added to this event, then click the search button (MAGNIFYING GLASS).
  4. Choose the name you want from the list of the results and click the GRAB button.


Presto! You now have a copy of that Insightly contact added to the event.
Note that grabbed contacts are copies; you can make changes to their record on the EventCX event and it will not affect the original contact in Insightly. Likewise, changes you make in Insightly will not change copies of those contacts previously added to an event.

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