Manage Email Notifications

Manage Email Notifications

You can control which notices you receive from eSpeakers. For instance, every time someone views or comments on your BureauBlast. Or perhaps each time a meeting planner uses the guestbook plugin on your website.
With an ADMN or SPKR user access level, you can control exactly what notices get sent to each person in your organization (including you!). Each person in your organization has an eSpeakers username with an associated email address. You will want to change the mail preference settings for the username.
To change email preferences:
  1. Log in to eSpeakers with the username/password related to the email address getting the unwanted notices.
  2. Choose MANAGE ACCOUNT USERS. NOTE: IF your login can access multiple speakers ... in the PRESENTERS box on left, click the "select all" button. (This will let you make the email settings for the username for ALL speakers at the same time.)
  3. Select username, then select EDIT from the drop-down menu.
    ... REMOVE the checkmark from the box labeled "make no changes to settings below"'
    ... In the MAIL PREFERENCES section, select the checkboxes as desired for which types of email should go to the user in question
    (explanation of choices here).
That's it! If you happen to have more than one eSpeakers username, you'll need to repeat this procedure for each username.
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