Manage Services and Products in EventCX

Manage Services and Products in EventCX


Recording and managing an event's financial values accurately is critical for a great customer relationship. EventCX provides a place to track everything you're charging your customer for, products you are providing for the event, and a place to track your product packages in transit.
These data you enter into the services tab is a primary driver of several valuable reports that can give you an accurate income history or forecast.
For events that were booked by the buyer through the Marketplace Platform, the services tab shows you what has been paid by the customer and what is still owing.

Track the Deposit Percentage You Charge the Customer

When looking at the SERVICES tab on the active event in EventCX, enter a number between 1 and 100 in the DEP % box to indicate the percent of the full fee that the customer must pay as a deposit.
This number currently does not drive any reports and is stored as a way for you to record what you told the customer.
Click SAVE to complete.

Add a Service Item to an Event

Service items are things you charge the customer for. Service items can also include commissions by entering the fee as a negative number. When looking at the SERVICES tab on the active event:
  1. Click the ADD SERVICE button.
  2. Choose a grouping code from the CODE dropdown list, or type in a new code.
    1. Grouping codes are arbitrary letters and numbers up to 6 characters that you can use to identify the purpose of a service item. Make up your own codes that are meaningful in your business. Examples: KEYN is commonly used to identify your "keynote fee", TRVL is commonly used for travel expenses, BCOM used to identify bureau commission, etc.
  3. Enter the DUE DATE, DESCRIPTION, and AMOUNT (all optional). NOTE: The AMOUNT field is used to drive many reports; take care to enter it accurately. For commission fees, enter a negative number for the amount.
  4. Click the ADD button to save.

Edit or Remove a Service Item

When looking at the SERVICES tab on the active event, click on one of the existing service items in the list. Make any changes and click SAVE, or click DELETE to remove the service item.

Differences for Jobs Booked Through the Marketplace Platform

For events that were booked through the Marketplace platform, the services list operates differently. Because the fees are all set by the Agreement, you cannot edit them here.
Service items where the platform has collected your fee from the buyer are identified as PAID and shown in green.

Manage Products on the Event

The products area allows you to track physical goods you are bringing or selling to the client for the event. 
When looking at the SERVICES tab on the active event:
  1. Click the ADD PRODUCT button.
  2. Choose a grouping code from the CODE drop down list, or type in a code.
    1. Grouping codes are arbitrary letters and numbers up to 4 characters that you can use to identify the product. Make up your own codes that are meaningful in your business. Examples: GMCD for "Good Morning - CD set", BKWU for "Wake Up, America - Book", VIRT to identify "Virtual training session", etc.
  3. Enter the DESCRIPTION, NUMBER SOLD, NUMBER SHIPPED and PRICE. NOTE: These values drive figures on certain reports.
  4. Click the ADD button to save.
To change or remove a product item later, click on the product in the list and use the DELETE button to remove it, or make changes and click SAVE to update it.

Track Packages Sent to the Event Venue

Recording the tracking numbers of the product boxes on their way to the venue is a great way to resolve any shipping issues more easily.
  1. When looking at the SERVICES tab for the active event, find the PACKAGES section.
  2. Enter the number of boxes shipped in the QTY BOXES fields
  3. Select the carrier from the SHIPPER list
  4. Enter your TRACKING NUMBERS. NOTE: Separate multiple tracking numbers with a semicolon. For example, 1Z32352AB;78T33542 is two separate numbers with a semicolon in between.
  5. At any time, click the LIVE TRACKING link to open a page showing the carrier's information about your packages.

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