Track Extra Event Details

Track Extra Event Details


The MISC tab in EventCX is home to several useful pieces of information about your events that you may not have thought of tracking before.

Track Presentation and Audience

  1. When looking at the MISC tab on the active event:
  2. Enter the name of the PRESENTATION you're giving, or choose it from the dropdown list.
    EventCX learns from the entries you make, and will include new presentation names as dropdown choices next time you start the software.
  3. Enter the dress standard in the DRESS field. Common choices include "business casual", "tuxedo", "formal gown", etc.
  4. Presenters often go back and enter the specific clothes they wore to an event, so that they can be sure not to repeat on a return engagement ("Purple dress with black flats", etc.)

Track Lead Source

Tracking lead sources provides great benefits to those wishing to grow their business intelligently.
  1. When looking at the MISC tab on the active event:
  2. Enter the name of the LEAD SOURCE from which event came. Common choices include "referral", "website", "directory marketing", "May 2018 email campaign", etc.
    EventCX learns from the entries you make, and will include new lead sources as dropdown choices next time you start the software.
Use the PRODUCTIVITY BY LEAD SOURCE report to gather valuable evidence about your lead sources.

Avoid Repeating a Story to the Same Audience

Stories and jokes are powerful tools in any presentation, but they pale quickly when an audience hears the same one repeated. Good presenters are often invited back for repeat engagements, and you want to make sure your content is fresh everytime.
Track the stories you told during the presentation:
  1. When looking at the MISC tab on the active event:
  2. Check the box ON next to each story or joke in the list.
New eSpeakers accounts will have an empty list of stories told. To enter or update your available list of anecdotes:
  1. When looking at the MISC tab on the active event:
  2. Click the CUSTOMIZE STORY LIST link near the STORIES/JOKES TOLD area.
  3. Add new stories by clicking the ADD STORY button and typing into the new blank field.
  4. Delete an existing story by clicking the DELETE link to the right of the story you want to remove.
  5. Edit a story by replacing the existing text with new text in the same box.
  6. When your story list looks the way you want it to, click the SAVE button to commit.

Track Information for Your CSP Application

EventCX is capable of tracking all of the data needed to generate the multi-year spreadsheet application for the National Speakers Association CSP designation.
  1. Use the FOR CSP checkbox to indicate whether this event should be included in the CSP application.
  2. To use the "same client/different division" feature of the CSP application, enter the division name in the CSP DIVISION field.
  3. Click the SAVE button to update the event.

Track Public Events

You can indicate whether an event is "public invited" or not:
  1. When looking at the MISC tab on the active event:
  2. Check ON the PUBLIC INVITED checkbox to indicate the event is open to the public.
  3. Click the SAVE button to update the event.

Track Pending Offer

You can indicate that an offer is "pending" on the event. This is helpful during the common event lifecycle:
Generally events start out as a "hold". If the client requests confirmation, set the OFFER PENDING to ON, but leave the event as a hold. Once the contract is received and/or deposit paid, set OFFER PENDING to OFF and change the event status to CONFIRMED.
  1. When looking at the MISC tab on the active event:
  2. Check ON or OFF the OFFER PENDING checkbox as appropriate.
  3. Click the SAVE button to update the event.

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