Virtual Speakers Association International - VSAI

Virtual Speakers Association International - VSAI

eSpeakers enjoys a partnership with the Virtual Speakers Association International (VSAI) that provides its members with access to the marketing and business-building tools that eSpeakers provides.

Benefits to each VSAI member

  1. The VSAI provides an eSpeakers Basic account to each of its members as a member benefit.
  2. This eSpeakers account:
    1. allows the speaker to be listed on the VSAI's Find-a-Speaker directory, where event organizers who trust the VSAI reputation come to research speakers.
    2. provides valuable marketing exposure through other directories that eSpeakers publishes. You can opt-out of being listed on any other directory.
    3. provides a basic event calendaring tool

How do I get listed on the VSAI's Find-a-Speaker directory?

Now that you’re a VSAI member, you can create an online profile that will be published on the VSAI directory. Because your profile on the VSAI membership directory is powered by eSpeakers, VSAI has arranged for you to have a free eSpeakers Basic profile as a member benefit.
  1. If you don't already have an eSpeakers account, signup for an eSpeakers Basic account ». Use Promo Code VSAI with an annual payment to get it at no cost as long as you're a VSAI member.
  2. Once you have an eSpeakers account, link your eSpeakers profile to the VSAI directory by identifying yourself as a VSAI member:
    1. Go to the eSpeakers MY PROFILE screen », then choose CAREER from the choices on the screen's left.
    2. In the section labeled ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS, you can add Virtual Speakers Association International (VSAI). Once you select VSAI, you can also add yourself to your VSAI chapter directory if you belong to a chapter. Choose the Association from the dropdown list, and any chapter if applicable, and click the ADD button.
    3. Click the SAVE button to save your changes. VSAI will be notified that you’ve saved your association membership on your eSpeakers profile.
When your profile is complete (with at least a photo, topics, and bio), and you've identified yourself as a VSAI member, you'll be automatically included in the VSAI's Find-a-Speaker directory. Allow up to 24 hours for your profile to appear.'

Is there a cost to have a profile with eSpeakers?

The annual fee for your eSpeakers Basic profile is covered by the VSAI for current members (regularly $179 USD per year). 

Many speakers choose to upgrade their eSpeakers profile to '''add embedded video, recommendations, and other material''', which helps event organizers understand their value. If you are a speaker who is a current VSAI member, upgrade to PRO.

    When I get hired through the VSAI Find-a-Speaker directory, am I charged a commission?


    When you are contacted by an event organizer through the VSAI directory, you are never charged a commission of any type. In fact, you usually don't even know that's where the buyer got your contact information.

    One of the important values of your eSpeakers account is the great marketing exposure of having your profile published on many different speaker directories besides the VSAI's. This is free advertising for you! However, you are always in control of where your profile is published and you can easily opt-out of any (or all) of the locations where eSpeakers is marketing you. 

    Many of these additional marketing channels (your VSAI chapter website, the Global Speakers Federation site, etc) provide your direct contact information to the buyers and the cost of your profile being in that directory is covered by your association membership fees. Other sites (The eSpeakers Marketplace, MPI's Speaker Resource, etc) cover their marketing costs by charging a finder's fee for leads you gain ''and close'' through their site. Generally, this finder's fee is 10%, but some directories are higher or lower. You're never required to accept a lead that's provided to you, and if you do accept it, you're only asked to pay the finder's fee when you land the deal. For leads that come through a site with a finder's fee, that fee is disclosed with the initial lead information, so there are no surprises.

    How can I upgrade my profile to include video?

    If you would like to add embedded video (which plays without leaving your profile page), recommendations, and other features to your profile, you can upgrade to PRO.

    When a buyer pulls up my profile on the VSAI Find-a-Speaker directory, are they directed to my competitors?


    When an event organizer pulls up your profile on the VSAI Find-a-Speaker directory, yours is the only information they see. Your direct contact information is displayed. If the buyer uses the "direct message" form, the lead is emailed directly to you and to no one else.

    Although the VSAI Find-a-Speaker directory does ''not'', some other eSpeakers-powered directories include a job board function. This function allows an event organizer to post a 'call for speakers', which multiple eSpeakers members can apply to.

    What happens when a buyer pulls up my profile on the VSAI Find-a-Speaker directory?

    When an event organizer, searching for a speaker, pulls up your profile on the VSAI Find-a-Speaker directory, they see your complete profile, including:
    1. name
    2. topics
    3. bio
    4. photo
    5. programs
    6. ''no fees''
    7. offsite video link
    8. (for pro members) embedded video, recommendations, one-sheet
    Buyers also see your direct contact information:
    1. website
    2. email address
    3. phone number
    4. mailing address

    In addition, there is a "direct message" button the buyer can use to fill out some basic event information which is emailed directly to you as a lead. There is no finder's fee or commission charged for leads that come to you through the VSAI's Find-a-Speaker directory.

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