Getting Started with your eSpeakers Profile

Getting Started with your eSpeakers Profile

Having your profile up in the eSpeakers Marketplace is a good way to get exposure to buyers. Having a powerful selling profile in eSpeakers gives you a better chance of attracting meeting professionals looking for their next presenter.

Your profile will not be published in most directories until it has at least a photo and some bio text.
Marketplace search results
Build with search engine ranking in mind
Follow these steps to make your eSpeakers profile a potent salesperson that works for you 24x7. As you complete these steps, keep in mind that the Marketplace eSEO ranking of your profile in the search results can be improved -- focus on the following to assist in improving your ranking:

Enter the eSpeakers Profile & Marketing area

  1. Sign in at and choose PROFILE AND MARKETING from the main menu.
  2. From the Marketing Dashboard screen, choose EDIT YOUR PROFILE

Enter basic contact information

  1. On the MY PROFILE screen, choose PERSONAL INFO from the choices on the screen's left.
  2. Enter your name, business name, business address, phone, main email address.
  3. Click the SAVE button to save your changes.

TIP: If you have initials after your name (Ph.D., CSP, Hall of Fame, etc) enter those in the special CREDENTIALS field rather than in the LAST NAME field.
TIP: If you travel from a different address than your business address, set the country and state/province on the TRAVELING FROM section.

update profile photo

Upload your profile photo

  1. On the MY PROFILE screen, choose PROFILE PHOTO from the choices on the screen's left.
  2. Prepare a file on your hard drive of your best publicity photo.
  3. Click the CHOOSE FILE button, and select the prepared file from your hard drive.
TIP: The photo will be resized to 600 pixels wide X 600 pixels tall. If you prepare a photo with these same dimension, you will avoid any white space being added at the bottom or right side to make your photo fit.
TIP: The file you upload needs to end with .png, .tiff, .gif or .jpg.

Identify your expertise

  1. On the MY PROFILE screen, choose EXPERTISE from the choices on the screen's left.
  2. Select up to six topics on which you speak from the choices in the dropdown controls. You do not need to use all six available slots.
  3. Select up to two industries in which you have professional experience. These may be very different from the topics on which you speak. For instance, you may have past industry experience in "banking", even though you do not speak on that topic.
  4. Click the SAVE button to save your changes.
TIP: Choosing fewer than 6 topics can show potential buyers that you have a clear focus in 2-3 areas, and may be a good sales strategy.

Add your taglines and bio

  1. On the MY PROFILE screen, choose BIOGRAPHY from the choices on the screen's left.
  2. Enter your a udience benefits statement , or "tagline", into the provided area.
  3. Enter the text of your full biography in the provided area. Users often prepare this text in a word processor and then paste it into the editor box on the screen.
  4. Use the dropdown lists at top of the screen to enter versions of your a udience benefits statement  and full bio for the specific topics you speak on, and for any additional languages, you speak. For instance, if one of your topics (from the EXPERTISE screen) is "accountability", you can enter a version of your biospecific to accountability. If you speak French and English, you can enter versions of your bio in each of those languages.
  5. Click the SAVE button to save your changes.
tip Why enter topic-specific versions of your audience benefit statement and full bio? When potential buyers are searching by topic in a directory where your eSpeakers profile is published, the search engine will display the version of your biospecific to that topic, if you have entered one. Your sales pitch may be very different for a "motivational" speech, versus one on "workplace safety". Entering topic-specific versions of your bio lets you talk directly to the needs of the buyer.
tip Your full bio should take 2-3 minutes to read. Don't be too brief -- if a buyer has made it this far, they're interested and want to know more.
tip We recommend the first paragraph of your bio address the benefits the audience will receive after hearing you. This is what the buyer is interested in. Follow that up with your second paragraph which extolls your virtues and qualifications. Convince the buyer that you can deliver the benefits you described in paragraph one.
tip Unless you have a catch-phrase that you've built branding around, don't use your own name in your audience benefit statement. The audience benefit statement is always displayed immediately next to your name, so there's no need for redundancy.

List your programs

  1. On the MY PROFILE screen, choose PROGRAMS from the choices on the screen's left.
  2. Click the ADD button to add a new program
  3. Choose the language, specific topic (if any), and type of presentation.
  4. Enter the program's title (eg "Make every day a great hair day")Describe your program's characteristics by choosing tags from the available tag groups.
    1. Click a tag group at the left ("program style", "CMP Domain", etc) then select applicable tags at the right.
    2. In the displayed list of selected tags, drag and drop to arrange in order of importance, with the most important first
  5. Enter the program's description in the area provided. This is generally a few sentences long.
  6. Click the APPLY button to return to the main screen, then the SAVE button to commit your changes.
TIP: The PROGRAM DESCRIPTION field should begin (or include at some point) the benefits the audience will receive. Explain how the audience members will be improved or changed as a result of what you will offer in the presentation.

Link to your websites

  1. On the MY PROFILE screen, choose WEBSITES from the choices on the screen's left.
  2. Enter the URL (address) for your main website in the field provided.
  3. If you have a separate site specifically for media inquiries, enter that in the MEDIA-SPECIFIC SITE field. This URL may be a completely separate site, or it may be a specific page on your main website.
  4. Click the SAVE button to save your changes.

Identify Awards and Association Memberships

  1. On the MY PROFILE screen, choose CAREER from the choices on the screen's left.
  2. In the section labeled ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS, you can add each professional speaker association of which you are a registered member in good standing. If you select an association with chapters, you'll have an opportunity to indicate the chapter to which you belong. Choose the Association from the dropdown list, and any chapter if applicable, and click the ADD button.
  3. In the section labeled DESIGNATIONS AND AWARDS, check each award or designation you hav been recognized with.
  4. In the section labeled EXPERIENCE, enter both the year you started speaking professionally, and the approximate number of times you've spoken in the last 12 months.
  5. In the section labeled PRIMARY PRESENTATION TYPE, indicate the type of service you perform most often. Choosing one of these does not indicate that you do not provide any of the other services.
  6. Click the SAVE button to save your changes.

Build a menu of the services you offer

  1. On the MY PROFILE screen, choose FEES from the choices on the screen's left.
  2. Indicate your bureau commission style (gross or net), and your basic fee range in the fields provided. If you choose not to work with bureaus, set the BUREAU COMMISSION to NET.
  3. Use the ADD button to add a list of the services you are able to provide.
tip: Common fee line items include "Keynote", "Full day", "North American travel", "International Travel".
tip: If you have a service with a highly variable price, enter it with a $0 price and a description like "Call for consulting fees".

Where will my profile be seen?

Your profile will always be seen in eSpeakers Marketplace. Also, if you’re a member of a speakers association, your profile will be displayed in the Global Speaker Federation (GSF) website directory. If you are part of the national speaker association or a chapter that is powering its website with eSpeakers, you will only need to update the profile once to be changed in all these directories.

Because of eSpeakers’ relationship with many leading speaker bureaus worldwide, you have the option to make your profile available to other bureaus for inclusion on their websites. Check the publicity preferences in your account to control whether or not speaker bureaus see your profile.

HOW TO: Outshine the competition!

  1. Streaming video is a must-have feature for speakers who want their profile to stand out and “speak” to possible clients. With your eSpeakers account, you can add up to 30 minutes of video to your profile AND add your video clips to your personal website via a simple plugin. What better way to sell you than by showing clients what you can offer them? When buyers search for speakers in eSpeakers Marketplace, they can choose to search for speakers with video. If you don’t have video, you would not be included in their search results. Add video today and ensure your profile appears in more buyer searches.
  2. Become familiar with your eSpeakers SEO score. This score is found on the top of your Marketing Dashboard. Your eSpeakers SEO score helps you be more visible to buyers in the Marketplace directory, and other directories publishing your profile.
  3. The eSpeakers SEO chart outlines how to rank higher in the search results.

NOTE: Changes to your profile take up to 24 hours to be visible on all directories where you're published.
NEXT STEP Once you've finished these steps, you're ready to really crank up the sales potential of your profile by adding client recommendations, streaming video and audio, one-sheets, and more.

Want more exposure? Some of the features described above require a Plus account. If you're at the Basic level, consider the benefits of a Plus account.

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