Pre-Event Questionnaire in the Client Portal

Pre-Event Questionnaire in the Client Portal

The Client Portal can directly collect from your customer most of the data that matches up with a field in EventCX, including any of your ``custom fields``. But there may be data you'd like to collect that doesn't fit into any of the fields of EventCX, including the custom fields. In that case, a pre-event questionnaire is a good way to collect that extra information.

How Do I Create a Pre-Event Questionnaire to Use With the Client Portal?

eSpeakers has integrated with Google Forms™ to allow you to use the fabulous Google Forms™ builder for your questionnaires.

To create a new questionnaire and make it ready for use with Client Portal:
  1. Sign into the Google Forms™ builder . You need a free Google account to do this. This technique works with an account or with a Google Apps™ for Business account.
  2. Click the new BLANK form in the START A NEW FORM section.

    new form

  3. With your new form active, you need to add the eSpeakers Add-on, which will connect this form to your eSpeakers events.
    1. Click the menu to the right of the SEND button in the upper right-hand corner (3 vertical dots). Choose ADD-ONS.


    2. In the Add-ons dialog, enter espeakers client portal in the SEARCH ADD-ONS box and hit ENTER
    3. You should get back at least one result. Find the row for ESPEAKERS CLIENT PORTAL and click the FREE button to activate it.

    4. Google will ask you for permission to let the add-on interact with your form data. Click ALLOW to continue.


    5. The Add-on will give you a welcome message, and then show a small pop-up window lower-right on your form. Click the CREATE QUESTION button to add a special question to your questionnaire, asking the user for their meeting "event code". We recommend this question be the first one in the list, so drag it to the top of your questions.
  4. Now that your new form has been activated for eSpeakers, you can continue adding questions and building the rest of your questionnaire. Just be sure to leave the special "event code" question at the top.

    configure plugin

How Do I Configure the Client Portal to Use the Questionnaires I Have Created?

Once you have a questionnaire set up as a Google Form™, you simply link it to your Client Portal configuration so that your customers can access it when using the Client Portal.

To link a Google Form™ to your Client Portal so that clients using the Client Portal can fill it out:
  1. Pull up the form you want to use as a questionnaire in Google Forms™ . The form needs to have been activated with the eSpeakers Add-on, as described in the section above.
  2. Click the SEND button at the top and click the LINK icon. The Link (URL) will be displayed, looking something like this: (

    Click COPY to put the link into your clipboard, ready to paste.


  3. Now that you have the URL in your clipboard ready to paste, open EventCX and go the user tab (your username in the upper-right) and choose SETTINGS
  4. On the SETTINGS screen choose the CLIENT PORTAL tab
  5. On the Client Portal Settings screen, find the PRE-EVENT QUESTIONNAIRE section. You'll see a list of one or more open boxes where you can paste in a link URL to a Google Form™.

    pre-event questionnaire

    1. There is one box listed for each of your different Master Action Lists. This allows you to use a different questionnaire for different types of events. If you enter a Google Form™ URL into the box for a specific Action List, when a client uses the Client Portal for an event that is set to that Action List, then that URL will be used.
    2. The STANDARD Action List will be used if there is not a specific one assigned to an event, so it's a good idea to always link it to your default questionnaire form.
    3. If you don't use specific questionnaires for different Action Lists, then the STANDARD is the only one you need to fill out.
    4. After pasting the link to your Google Form™ into the appropriate box, click SAVE to commit.

What Happens When a Client Fills Out the Questionnaire Through the Client Portal?

When your client fills out the questionnaire for your event, 3 things happen:
  1. The event gets a new note describing the changes the client made, including which specific fields they changed.
  2. You receive an email describing the changes the client made, including which specific fields they changed.
  3. The results of the client's update are compiled into a pdf document and added to the event Library in EventCX.

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